Acer circinatum (Vine Maple)

from $14.00
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This PNW native deciduous shrub-tree grows 15 ft. high & potentially as wide, depending on the surrounding vegetation. This small maple has a beautiful shape, fantastic red/orange fall foliage, and deep red/lime-green twigs. Further, it supports many pollinators, beneficial insects, and songbirds.

A great small tree or multi-stemmed shrub that looks terrific all year round! In deep shade, it will twist through the forest horizontally, thus its common name "vine" maple.

It’s best in partial shade, filtered light, or with some protection from the mid-day sun, and will tolerate deep shade, but generally has the best fall color in a little sun. Struggles in full sun situations without supplemental water.

[Note: “Restoration Grade,” if available, are bargain picks but still great plants: They may have a funky form, or a small wound on the stem — just a little something where we couldn’t offer them at full price.]

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This PNW native deciduous shrub-tree grows 15 ft. high & potentially as wide, depending on the surrounding vegetation. This small maple has a beautiful shape, fantastic red/orange fall foliage, and deep red/lime-green twigs. Further, it supports many pollinators, beneficial insects, and songbirds.

A great small tree or multi-stemmed shrub that looks terrific all year round! In deep shade, it will twist through the forest horizontally, thus its common name "vine" maple.

It’s best in partial shade, filtered light, or with some protection from the mid-day sun, and will tolerate deep shade, but generally has the best fall color in a little sun. Struggles in full sun situations without supplemental water.

[Note: “Restoration Grade,” if available, are bargain picks but still great plants: They may have a funky form, or a small wound on the stem — just a little something where we couldn’t offer them at full price.]

This PNW native deciduous shrub-tree grows 15 ft. high & potentially as wide, depending on the surrounding vegetation. This small maple has a beautiful shape, fantastic red/orange fall foliage, and deep red/lime-green twigs. Further, it supports many pollinators, beneficial insects, and songbirds.

A great small tree or multi-stemmed shrub that looks terrific all year round! In deep shade, it will twist through the forest horizontally, thus its common name "vine" maple.

It’s best in partial shade, filtered light, or with some protection from the mid-day sun, and will tolerate deep shade, but generally has the best fall color in a little sun. Struggles in full sun situations without supplemental water.

[Note: “Restoration Grade,” if available, are bargain picks but still great plants: They may have a funky form, or a small wound on the stem — just a little something where we couldn’t offer them at full price.]