Books & General
***Full list downloadable as PDF here***
Though we have this big list of online resources, I still like to rely on some good books! You will get lots of ideas just flipping through the pages and diving deeper into design principles. These books below should be available from your local library or local bookseller—and note that some bookseller websites allow you to “peek inside.” — Erica
Link, Russell. Landscaping for Wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. University of Washington Press, 1999.
Rainer, Thomas and Claudia West. Planting in a Post-wild World: Designing Plant Communities for Resilient Landscapes. Timber Press, 2015.
Cox, Jeff. Landscaping with Nature: Using nature’s designs to plan your yard. Rodale Press, Inc., 1991.
Roth, Sally. Natural Landscaping: Gardening with Nature to Create a Backyard Paradise. Rodale Press, Inc., 1997.
Whitner, Jan Kowalczewski. Northwest Garden Style: Ideas, designs and methods for the creative gardener. Sasquatch Books, 1996.
Tallamy, Douglas W. Bringing Nature Home: How native plants sustain wildlife in our gardens. Timber Press, 2007.
Stein, Sara. Noah’s Garden: Restoring the ecology of our own back yards. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1993.
Lovejoy, Ann. Ann Lovejoy’s Organic Garden Design School: A guide to creating your own beautiful, easy-care garden. Rodale Press, Inc., 2001.
Penick, Pam. Lawn Gone! Low-maintenance, sustainable, attractive alternatives for your yard. Ten Speed Press, 2013.
Levesque, Matthew. The Revolutionary Yardscape: Ideas for repurposing local materials to create containers, pathways, lighting and more. Timber Press, 2010.
O’Sullivan, Penelope. The Homeowner’s Complete Tree & Shrub Handbook: The essential guide to choosing, planting, and maintaining perfect landscape plants. Storey Publishing, 2007.
Cohen, Stephanie & Nancy. J. Ondra. The Perennial Gardener’s Design Primer: The essential guide to creating simply sensational gardens. Storey Publishing, 2005.
Burrell, C. Colston. Perennial Combinations: Stunning combinations that make your garden look fantastic right from the start. Rodale Press, Inc., 1999.
Gildemeister, Heidi. Gardening the Mediterranean Way: How to create a waterwise, drought tolerant garden. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers, 2004.
Lloyd, Christopher. Succession Planting for Year-round Pleasure. Timber Press, 2005.
Kruckeberg, Arthur R. and Linda Chalker-Scott. Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest, Third Edition. University of Washington Press, 2019. (Note: older editions written solely by Art Kruckeberg are likely widely available in the library and terrific—if you can’t get the new edition on your budget, go for one of the older editions!)
Robson, Kathleen A., Alice Richter and Marianne Filbert. Encyclopedia of Northwest Native Plants for Gardens and Landscapes. Timber Press, 2008.
Leigh, Mike. Grow Your Own Native Landscape: A guide to identifying, propagating, and landscaping with Western Washington native plants. WSU Extension Native Plant Salvage Project, 1999 (and more recent editions—available from Native Plant Salvage Foundation if you can’t find it at Timberland Regional Library).
Phillips, Ellen & C. Colston Burrell. Rodale’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of Perennials. Rodale Press, Inc., 2004.
Cox, Jeff. Perennial All-Stars: The 150 Best Perennials for Great-looking Trouble-free Gardens. Rodale Press, Inc., 1998.
Carter, Susan, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Perennials: The Gardener’s Reference. Timber Press, 2007.
Macunovich, Janet. Caring for Perennials: What to do and when to do it. Storey Publishing, 1996.
Darke, Rick. The Color Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses, Sedges, Rushes, Restios, Cattails and Selected Bamboo. Timber Press, 1999.
Greenlee, John. The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses – How to grow and use over 250 beautiful and versatile plants. Rodale Press, Inc., 2000.
Ondra, Nancy J. Grasses. Storey Books, 2002.
Gilsenan, Fiona. Sunset Landscaping with Ornamental Grasses. Sunset Books, 2002.
Check out books by Sunset—before Google, their “Western Garden Book” and other guidebooks were our go-to resources!
Get to know more of our native plants by hiking the area with guidebooks such as Lone Pine’s Revised Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast, by Jim Pojar & Andy MacKinnon, et al., 2014.
Learn moreabout mycorrhizae; for instance: Mycelium Running: How mushrooms can help save the world, by Paul Stamets,Ten Speed Press, 2005; and more!
Learn important information about streamside etiquette through this downloadable brochure, produced by the City of Bellingham.
Learn about the geologic features and processes that shape the banks, why some erosion is part of a natural and necessary process for replenishing our beaches, as well asway to reduce damage caused by excessive erosion. Explore the tidal zone and learn about local flora and fauna; their role in the ecosystem, and behaviors you can adopt to live in balance along the shoreline.]