Field-based Events

McLane Creek Stewardship

Since 2009, Native Plant Salvage Project, Stream Team and the Department of Natural Resources have been collaborating to steward the beautiful McLane Creek Nature Trail.

Spend a few hours maintaining the trails, while appreciating the diversity in this wonderful example of a Puget lowland forest. We mindfully trim back growth along the trail, remove leaf debris from boardwalks, and clear the paths of any large debris.

An outing with Stream Team and the Native Plant Salvage team will give you a chance to exercise your plant knowledge in the company of experienced volunteers and educators, and your service will help DNR keep the trails accessible to the public, while keeping habitat value as high as we can.

Erosion Control Planting Maintenance at the Thurston County Corrections Facility

So far we have planted over 4,500 shrubs, ornamental grasses, and ground covers at the Thurston County’s Corrections Facility. This prevents polluted runoff from going directly to the storm-drains, then into salmon-bearing Percival Creek. Our partners in this work are Thurston County’s Stream Team Program.

In addition to preventing pollution, this site is slated to become a demonstration landscape for water-wise planting! Learn about native and water-wise species and their ability to protect local waterways, while establishing new layered landscapes that will save water, provide habitat for birds, mammals and beneficial insects, and improve aesthetics!

Dates TBD

Restoration with Capitol Land Trust

We partner with CLT to help restore many of their preserves, sustaining local ecosystems by installing native plants.

Other restoration projects

Replanting the slopes of a salmon-bearing stream to, restoring sections of forest, or installing raingardens and other green stormwater infrastructure — we’re always up to something!