A well-designed yard can be a beautiful extension of your house, a place to relax and entertain, a place to play, a place to grow food, and a worthwhile investment.
While you might not be able to see it, your yard can also help protect drinking-water supplies, streams, lakes, and the Salish Sea/Puget Sound, as well as salmon, shellfish, birds, other wildlife, and people that depend on clean water. You will be able to enjoy visits from birds and butterflies—and a healthier yard for your family—as you create habitat right outside your windows.
We offer a free module, fact sheets, and resources, plus 7 .5+ hours of information and instruction for a small fee. Read more below!
A multi-part online course to learn how to reduce maintenance chores, use less water, and pick the best plants to protect local waterways — all while attracting small wildlife and beautifying your yard! We cover:
Attracting birds, butterflies, pollinators & other wildlife
Easy ways to minimize lawn space to create more diverse and layered plantings
Managing drainage onsite—including adding permeable hardscaping—to protect your home and local waterways
Landscaping for tricky areas such as slopes
Plant design principles and using plants for structural goals (slopes, drainage, privacy)
Recommended native and water-wise plants for our climate
Combining plants for your personal aesthetic preferences and maintenance capacity
Establishing achievable goals and create an implementation plan for the landscape of your dreams, within your budget & timeframe!
Self-paced Course
Naturescaping Resources
Our Naturescaping course is full of great information, but there are other resources out there that we love. This growing list covers subjects like plant sourcing, designing & planning your garden, pest control, soil selection, and more!