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29th Annual Volunteer & Donor Recognition Gathering

Join us as we recognize our Volunteers & Donors, and celebrate 29 years of action & education in our community, including 23 years as a non-profit organization!

What to expect:

4:50-6 p.m. – Check-in, Mingle, & Return Pots: 
Begin gathering at the Rose Garden to spend some time catching up and meeting new friends, and joining an optional pre-potluck activity. Also, feel free to clear your garden clutter: bring your castoff plant pots & flats to us at the gathering!

5 p.m. – Optional native plant walks:
Take a walk with other plant lovers to practice ID skills and enjoy the beautiful spring foliage & flowers on display. (Check in by 4:50 for the walk.)

6 p.m. – NPSF Community Potluck Supper :
Please bring a dish to share with others (with a notecard of ingredients to place nearby).

6:30 p.m. – Recognitions of volunteers, donors, accomplishments & annual meeting:
Join the community celebration & receive small thank-you plants & other gifts for all!

Post-meeting Dessert :
Enjoy our Olympic Mountain Ice Cream & Sorbet buffet.

May 23

Plant Outing

June 9

McLane Creek Trail Maintenance