Soil Selection
Organic soil amendments in yards and gardens: How much is enough?
Organic soil amendments can benefit most garden soils, however, applying too much can waste money, increase the risk of harming water quality, and even harm plants. Learn more with this fact sheet. (Washington State University Extension Home Garden Series)
Mycorrhizal Applications
Informational site from the world’s largest producer of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi which colonize plant roots in a symbiotic manner and extend far into the soil. Mycorrhizal fungal filaments in the soil are truly extensions of root systems and are more effective in nutrient and water absorption than the roots themselves.
Thurston Conservation District Soil Testing
“If you’re not testing you’re guessing” This site includes soil test types, costs, and what to expect.
University of Massachusetts Amherst Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory
Another option for soil testing, this one from UMASS Amherst.
Biochar: A Gardener's Primer
Biochar can help mitigate climate change and improve soil qualityreduces waste and produces energy as a byproduct. Learn what exactly biochar isand what it’s made of. (Washington State University Extension fact sheet)
Gypsum Use in Home Gardens and Landscapes
Does gypsum “cure” blossom end rot? Does it improve soil fertility? Explore common myths and the scientifically-backed facts in this publication. (Washington State University Extension publication)
Black Lake Organic
Website and information on the Black Lake Organic gardening products Olympia.
Epsom Salt Use in Home Gardens and Landscapes
Does Epsom salt help seed to germinate? Does it produce more flowers? Examine these claims and others with scientifically-backed facts in this publication. (Washington State University Extension publication)
Horticultural Myth Busting
Professor Linda Chalker-Scott dispels common myths with science-based information about fertilizerscompost and mulch ingredientstrees and shrubshow plants workpesticidessoil amendmentsand more.
Washington State University guides
A big list of free downloadable publications on soil and soil-related topics.
Soil textural triangle
— Guide to Texture by Feel