Home Vegetable Gardening in Washington
This full-color guide to growing vegetables in a Washington home garden setting covers growing conditionshow to plant seeds and transplantsways to arrange vegetablesintegrated pest management and more. (WSU Press)
Vegetable Garden Layout Planning
Use the size of your garden, types of veggies, growing seasons, and spacing between rows to determine layout in this document from the University of Illinois Extension.
Vegetable Garden Layout Basics
Veggie garden layout based on location using either raised bed and/or rows.
Vegetable Rotation Common Sense Guide
By learning to work with nature, skilled gardeners can limit problems that may otherwise lead to pesticide use and grow stronger, healthier plants with delicious results!
How to Grow Vegetables
Detailed instructions and tips from on how to grow a wide variety of veggies.
Physiological Leaf Roll of Tomato
Fact sheet on the topic from The Pacific Northwest Vegetable Extension Group.
Raised Beds - Deciding if they Benefit Your Vegetable Garden
Many vegetable gardeners use raised bedsbut other gardeners successfully grow fruit and vegetables directly in native soil. Learn which system is best for you with this informative fact sheet. (Washington State University Extension Home Garden Series)
Washington State University Guides
A big list of free downloadable publications on vegetables and vegetable-related topics.